Missy is the Mystical Alchemist at WickArt.
She works with the sacred medicine that plants, oils and herbs have to offer our Whole Self. Her products create a platform for each individual to know their soul’s Inner Whispers and answer our deep callings to truly connect with our Soul. Both as a Practitioner & through her products, she aims to empower others towards establishing and accessing inner rituals & practises that Nurture, Expand and begin to Love ourselves in a more meaningful way.
Beyond WickArt, Missy is a Intuitive Facilitator who supports Individuals towards looking Beyond the Veil & accessing the Space Between our Conscious & Subconscious Mind. She has just completed her Highest Priestess of the New Golden Age Training with the intention to work in pure alignment towards guiding others to discover their own Unique & Divine Soul Essence.
Missy believes Spirituality isn’t separate but yet One with Everything, as we are One with the Universe. She is passionate about inspiring others towards beginning their own Journey back Home to Self. She acknowledges that true transformation begins when we make a commitment to our own Healing. She strives towards providing a platform for others to Reawaken & access the Trust, Courage & Inner Strength that already exists within you.